Category: Blog

Ely’s Peak

Hike Date: June 4-5, 2016 Trail: Superior Hiking Trail Trip Plan: 2 days, 50 miles, park at Ely’s Peak, hike home and then back the next day. Day 1 – Drive south to Ely’s Peak/123rd Avenue trailhead, hike home (near Bagley Nature Center)(27 miles) Day 2 – From home, run to Enger Tower and hike […]

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Sugar Loaf

Hike Date: May 28-30, 2016 Trail: Superior Hiking Trail Trip Plan: 2 nights, not well planned at all. Park at Sugar Loaf Road lot and yo-yo with a long middle day Sunday. Day 1 – Hike north from Sugar Loaf (~10 miles) Day 2 – Hike south from a campsite, past the car, and continue south (~30 miles) Day […]

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Superior Spring 50k Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, May 21, 2016 Location: Lutsen, MN The few days before race day were accepting that the Superior Spring 50k was going to be a hard race. The weeks prior were not ideal training conditions: traveling, vacation, business traveling, rock and roll festivals, heavy drinking, a bad cold, more or less in that […]

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Rossini Road

Hike Date: April 29-30, 2016 Trail: Superior Hiking Trail Trip Plan: 2 nights, 40 miles. Park at Rossini Road and hike home. Day 1 – Hike south from Rossini Road to Big Bend Campsite (3 miles) Day 2 – Hike south from Big Bend Campsite to Bald Eagle Campsite (24 miles) Day 3 – Hike […]

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Zumbro 50 Mile Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, April 9, 2016 – 12:01am 50 miles is a lot of ground to cover. 2016 is the year for long backpacking trips, hiking, walking, slow-walking, and so on. However, I love racing and just can’t give it up. With a few forays into ultramarathons, I realized that they’re really fun and challenging, […]

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Silnylon Hexagonal Tarp

Project goal: Easy to make Covers the whole hammock and pulls taut Lightweight (under 10 oz) Can be set up as a ground tarp with trekking poles Looks super cool with the dual-color design Final specs (click here to go to finished pics): Total weight (with string up kit): 262 grams, 9.24 oz, 0.58 lbs […]

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Cross River, In Winter

Hike Date: January 22 – 24, 2016 Trail: Superior Hiking Trail Trip Plan: 2 nights, 17 miles, park at Cook County Road 1 Day 1 – Hike South to Dyer’s Creek Campsite (1 mile) Day 2- Hike North to North Cross River Campsite (6.5 miles), then day hike to Temperance River and back (4 miles) Day […]

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Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, January 16, 2016 – 9:30am What a weird race! This was a fun way to ring in the 2016 race season. Time to knock the dust off… I felt like I hadn’t close to fast for months and months and I was very curious to whether I’d have any fast fitness. Actually, […]

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Lake County Demonstration Forest, In Winter

Hike Date: January 1st – 3rd, 2016 Trail: Superior Hiking Trail Trip Plan: 3 nights, ~50 miles, park at Lake County Demonstration Forest Day 1 – Hike North to Silver Creek campsite (15 miles) Day 2 – Hike South past Demo Forest parking lot spur to Big Bend Campsite (25 miles) Day 3 – Hike […]

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Winter DIPA (Dark IPA)

Brew Day–12/21/15 Bottle Day– Original Gravity– Final Gravity: Ingredients: -6 lbs Dark Liquid Malt Extract -3.15 lbs Superstructure Liquid Malt Blend (for IPA) -6 oz Fuggle hop pellets -4 oz Chinook hop pellets -1 package Safale-04 English Ale Yeast -1 Tbsp Irish Moss (for clarity)   Instructions: Get 5 gallons of water boiling When the […]

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Easy Calypso Session Ale

Brew Day: 12/6/15 Original Gravity: 1.040 Final Gravity: 1.020 Estimated ABV %: Ingredients: -6 lbs Light Malt Extract Syrup -8 oz Calypso Hop Pellets (13.3% alpha) -Safale US-05 Ale Yeast -1 tablespoon Irish Moss (for clarity) -1/2 cup white sugar Instructions: Rinse out equipment Get 5 gallons of water boiling on the propane burner. When […]

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Pumpkin Spice Ale

Brew Day: 10/25/15 Bottle Day: 11/8/15 Original Gravity: 1.060 Final Gravity: 1.010 Estimated ABV: 6.77% Ingredients: -1 lb 60L Carmel speciality grain -0.5 lb Biscuit -0.5 lb Victory -3.3 lbs Amber Liquid Malt Extract -3.3 lbs Extra Light Liquid Malt Extrat -1 lb Light Dry Malt Extract -3 oz Mt. Hood hop pellets -1 packet […]

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