Kris’s Cider Fest Hard Apple Cider
Cider Collection Day: Sunday, October ?
Pitched Yeast: October 16
Bottle Day:
Original Gravity: 1.050
Final Gravity:
- A shit-ton of apples
- 5 teaspoons yeast nutrient
- 2.5 teaspoons pectic enzyme
- One packet of Safale-04 American Ale Yeast
1. Arrive at Kris’s Cider Fest. Eat a lot of hot dogs.
2. Press a lot of apples into 5 gallons of cider.
3. Add 5 Campden tablets to neutralize wild yeast and bacteria.
4. Wait 48 hours.
5. Add pectic enzyme, yeast nutrient and yeast.
6. Wait __ weeks and bottle!