Category: Racing

Heck of the North Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, October 3, 2015 – 8am A great way to quell the post-Ironman blues is to register for more races. I had this one in the books for a long time and was looking forward to do some casual training and participate in a fun-time, low key race. Little did I know, the […]

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Ironman Wisconsin Race Report

Race Day: Sunday, September 13, 2015 – 7am This is the big one. From when I registered for Ironman Wisconsin in early September 2014, this event and the training and the preparations have been on the forefront of my mind. It’s dominated my life in many ways… mentally, physically, time- and energy-wise. And to cross […]

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Green Lake Triathlon Race Report

Race Day: Sunday, August 9, 2015 – 8am The Green Lake Triathlon is a perennial classic. I love this race and I’ll keep coming back even though it is a trek from Duluth! The course is sweet. Green Lake is super nice and clean, the bike course is smooth, flat and fast, and the run […]

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Chisago Lakes Triathlon Race Report

Race Day: Sunday, July 26, 2015 – 8am The Chisago Lakes Triathlon had a name change this year and now it is called the Toughman Minnesota Triathlon. Now, this name is stupid and I won’t ever wear a shirt that says “Toughman” on the chest. Just dumb. Ironman at least has the history behind the […]

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Grandma’s Marathon Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, June 20, 2015 – 7:45am Another Grandma’s weekend is in the books. This is where it all started and Grandma’s and the Gary Bjorkland Half Marathon hold a special place in my heart and my legs. This year, during my second road marathon, I shaved 9 minutes off of my time last […]

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Capitol City Sprint Triathlon Race Report

Race Day: Sunday, June 14, 2015 – 7am Lead up to the Capitol City Sprint was pretty basic. I had a strong run week with a lot of intensity, which was good, but I am feeling it now. Especially with Grandma’s Marathon in five days, the plan is to take it really easy in order […]

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Buffalo Triathlon Race Report

Race Day: Sunday, June 7, 2015 – 9am You never know what is going to happen on the first triathlon of the year. Preparing for a tri is so stressful. Compared to a running race, there is so much more equipment to pack and so many more opportunities for mistakes during the race. That pre-race […]

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Gear West Duathlon Race Report

Race Day: Sunday, May 17, 2015 – 8am This is the first mulitsport race of the season, and it would validate whether or not the training is paying off how I expect it to. Having never done a duathlon before, I was curious how run-bike-run format would treat my legs. It is hard to replicate […]

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Fitger’s 5k Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, April 11, 2015 – 9am Time to blast the cobwebs off. I had some really nervous and exciting energy around the Fitger’s 5k. Historically, this has been a race where I can see where I’m at in the early season. Also, historically I start training big in March and so, and I’ve […]

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U.S. Snowshoe National Championships Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, February 28, 2015 – 10am Driving to Eau Claire, WI, I felt a different mood than most higher priority races. I didn’t feel nervous, I didn’t have a specific goal, and I wasn’t scared of complete failure. This was to be a fun race. And a fun race it was! After qualifying […]

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Boulder Lake Snowshoe Stomp Race Report

Race Day: Sunday, January 18, 2015 — 11:06am This race was number three of the weekend. Historically, I’ve noticed that snowshoe running is very physically taxing and I had never raced before. After 15k of hard racing the day before at the Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run, I was a little curious to see how […]

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Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, January 17, 2015 — 9am This weekend was shaping up to be a pretty good test of endurance. The lineup was Freeze Yer Gizzard 5k, then the 10k an hour later, a 10k snowshoe race the next day, and capping it off with a Beer Mile. Four races in two days, and […]

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