100% Irish For a Day 10 Mile Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, March 8, 2014 – 9 AM

I had the pleasure of racing a really fun 10 mile race this past weekend in Minneapolis, the 100% Irish For a Day 10 mile. I am very fond of the 10 mile distance and I think this race was perfect to get a gauge on how hard I can push this early in the running season. I was at the race with my mom, who registered for the un-timed 5k. Also, my friend Stacie, who I’ve been doing a bit of marathon training with, drove down from Duluth that morning and raced the 10 mile.

Unfortunately, I left my running jacket at the Minnesota Timberwolves game that I attended the night before the race, which made me really nervous about layering for the race. The temperature was mid-teens into the 20s by noon or so. I ended up using an old windbreaker from the back of my parent’s coat closet. I bundled up for the sub-20 degree weather, and after a half mile, I realized I majorly overdressed. Luckily, we parked right off of the race course and I threw the windbreaker onto the snowbank. My hamstring was bothering me a bit during the week leading up to the race, so I was nervous to see how it would react by me pushing hard for 10 whole miles. I started slow as not to aggravate my muscles, plus it took a bit to rip off the jacket and get my race shirt back on. There was a split around the 5k mark, and I think this is one of the first races I’ve posted a negative split. It felt really good to consistently pass people, and I didn’t feel very fatigued until the last mile. The conditions were pretty tough–a lot of ice and slippery areas, but the weather was pretty nice otherwise. It was sunny and felt great once I got going.


Race stats:

Shoes: Saucony Ride 6
Time: 1:02:48
Pace: 6:17
Place: 9/610


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