Cascade Single Hop IPA

Brew Day: 3/15/14
Transfer Day: 3/25/14
Bottle Day: 4/2/14
Original Gravity: 1.080
Transfer Gravity: 1.013
Final Gravity: 1.012
ABV: 9.1%
- 6 lbs. Plain Extra Light Dry Malt Extract
- 3.3 lbs. (one can) Extra Light Liquid Malt Extract
- 1 package (11.5 g) Safale US-05 American Dry Ale Yeast
- 13.35 ounces Cascade Hop pellets
- 1 ounce Cascade Hop (full leaf–for dry hop)
- 1 Tbsp. Irish Moss (for clarity)
- 5 oz. Priming Sugar
Brew day–3/15/14
1. Make yeast starter
- Pour a glass of lukewarm tap water (80 degrees)
- Add yeast
- Add a bit of dry malt extract (~2 tbsp.)
2. Boil 5 gallons of water
3. When water is boiling, add all malt extract.
4. Add hops
- 0:60 – 4.5 oz
- 0:45 – 3.5 oz
- 0:10 – 2.7 oz
- 0:05 – 2.6 oz
5. Add Irish moss (for clarity) at 0:15 left in boil.
6. Get ice bath ready. Put ice chunks into Tupperware bin with water.
7. After 0:60 minutes of boiling, move the brew kettle to the ice bath.
8. When wort has cooled to Transfer wort into primary fermenter with auto-siphon.
9. Pitch yeast and aerate thoroughly.
Transfer Day–3/25/14
1. Sanitize thoroughly: auto-siphon, glass carboy, carboy plug, hop bag.
2. Fill hop bag with full leave Cascade hops.
3. Shove the hop bag into the glass carboy.
4. Transfer beer into glass carboy.
Bottle Day–4/2/14
1. Add priming sugar to approximately 1 cup of boiling water. Stir until sugar is dissolved completely.
2. Sanitize auto-siphon, bottling bucket, and brew paddle.
3. Transfer beer to bottling bucket and add priming sugar.
4. Sanitize all bottles and caps.
5. Bottle the beer.
6. Cap bottles.
7. Store in the aging cellar/closet for carbonating.
This one turned out really good!! It had a really tasty citrusy and hoppy flavor. The high alcohol content wasn’t overpowering, but you could taste it and definitely feel it after a couple!