First Harvest of Kale

June 1, 2020
Yep, I had the first harvest of kale last night, from the transplants from last year. I transplanted two near-death plants from last year’s botched garden and they took nicely. They didn’t sprout a lot of leaves but I could tell they were growing. Then, after further research, I realized that kale flowers in the second year, and that is what was happening. They’re growing seed pods or flowers or something, and the leaves taste pretty bad. Oh well, it will be fun to try and get some seeds and replant them!
Otherwise, things are looking really good. The herb row hasn’t sprouted at all, and neither has my second round of lettuce. The beans are definitely coming up, the quinoa is looking pretty good. The stars of the garden so far are arugula, which is sprouting leaves quickly, and lentils. The lentils nearly all germinated and I’m really excited to see how they grow up. I haven’t talked to anyone who has grown lentils beans before. We’ll see if it’s all worth it… Also, the potatoes are looking really good. It’s supposed to be hot this week so hopefully that doesn’t have a negative effect on any plants.
Finally, all the transplants are looking pretty good! I need to do more research on trellises, and need to look a bit closer at thinning some of my plants, which doesn’t make me feel good to think about!! I don’t know how to go about it… thin according to the seed packet or info online? Or just wait and see, use my intuition? Or not thin and try to maximize my yield? I think the best option is to try and test a little bit… some thinned more and some less.
I’ll take pictures and post soon.