Seeding The First Greens and Beans

May 6, 2020 – 4pm
Immediately after finishing the fence project, I sowed the first seeds in this whole shebang. Well, besides the pollinator flower blend against the house. I filled the westernmost row, and 1/4 of the far southern side of the easternmost row.
- 1″ deep
- 1″ spacing
- 8′ long
- 75 seeds
Kale Blue Vates
- 1/4″ deep
- 10″ spacing
- 2′ long
- 15 seeds (3 bunches)
Kale Premier
- 1/4″ deep
- 10″ spacing
- 2′ long
- 15 seeds (3 bunches)
Kale Dwarf Blue Vates
- 1/4″ deep
- 10″ spacing
- 2′ long
- 15 seeds (3 bunches)
Spinach Bloomsdale Long Standing (tape)
- 1/2″ deep
- 2′ long
Spinach Bloomsdale
- 1/2″ deep
- 6″ spacing
- 4′ long (2- 2′ rows)
- 8 seeds
Lettuce Gourmet
- 1/2″ deep
- 6″ spacing
- 2′ long
- 4 bunches of seeds
Lettuce Lolla Rosa
- 1/2″ deep
- 6″ spacing
- 2′ long
- 4 bunches of seeds
Arugula Slow Bolt
- 1/2″ deep
- 3″ spacing
- 2′ long
- 8 small pinches of seeds
Pak Choi
- 1/4″ deep
- 12″ spacing
- 2′ long
- 2 small pinches of seeds
Broccoli Di Cicco
- 1/4″ deep
- 12″ spacing
- 2′ long
- 2 small pinches (5 seeds per pinch)
Broccoli Sun King
- 1/4″ deep
- 12″ spacing
- 2′ long
- 2 small pinches (5 seeds per pinch)
Carrot Nantes Half Long
- 1/2″ deep
- 0″ spacing – sprinkle
- 4′ long (2- 2′ rows)