Tag: trail running

Wild Duluth 100k Race Report

Race Date: Saturday, October 16, 2021 – 6am The start line was pretty emotional. I stood there in the dark, probably the only one without sleeves. Kris gave me her jacket and I wore it for a bit, but I really wasn’t any less cold. And she was for sure more cold! As the race […]

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Northwoods Winter Marathon Race Report

Race Date: Saturday, January 4, 2020 – 9:30am After very challenging conditions one year prior, I was certain by race week that the trail surface at this year’s Northwoods would be prime. All it takes is one day to totally destroy or totally repair the trails in winter but the forecast looked prime and things […]

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Antelope Canyon 55k Race Report

Race Date: Saturday, March 9, 2019 – 7am Two days before race day I landed in Las Vegas with my mom, business partner Kris, and brother Andrew. We were all traveling to Page, Arizona for the Antelope Canyon Ultras, a trail race of varying distances through the desert and deep canyons of northern Arizona. This […]

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Northwoods Winter Marathon Race Report

Race day: Saturday, January 5, 2019-9:30am I was so excited to race, it was the best feeling to jump off the start line and be with the big pack of runners. The first minute was by far the easiest part of the day. Leading up to the Northwoods Winter Trail Marathon, training had been pretty […]

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Last Runner Standing Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, June 9, 2018 – 10am At the start line, nobody seemed to know exactly what they were getting into from here on out. The Last Runner Standing in Duluth was a new race just launched in early 2018 and on June 9, 66 runners set out on lap one. I heard about […]

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Superior 100 Race Report

Race Day: Friday, September 8, 2017 – 8am I feel like I had been building up to this race for 3 years. I remember hearing about Superior as a lowly triathlete and being kind of mystified by the thought of a 100 miler, learning about Western States and other ultramarathons and thinking I’d never do […]

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Minnesota Voyageur 50 Miler Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, July 29, 2017 – 6am With a race that has so much history and a legendary course, it’s hard not to derive some enjoyment out of the Voyageur Trail Ultra, even though it requires 50 grueling miles of running in the heat of the summer. On race week, all I could do […]

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Zumbro Midnight 50 Mile Race Report

Race Day: Friday, April 7, 2017 – 11:59pm Never in my life have I had such a perfect training block leading up to a race. I guess that is a bold statement to make, but I feel like there is always some sort of question or apprehension, some little nagging injury or training fall-out that makes […]

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Wild Duluth 50k – 2016 Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, October 15, 2016 – 8am I neglected writing about this race for a long time. It was a bad race. I’ve never fallen apart as badly as Wild Duluth 2016. I was undertrained and figured I could wing it. If you don’t put in the miles and race-specific intensity, you cannot wing […]

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Voyageur 50 Mile Race Report

Race Day: July 30, 2016 6am I had a whole host of questions and doubts in my mind going into the revered Minnesota Voyageur 50 Mile. A race with such history and such talent every year, coupled with my severe lack of focused training, made me question and doubt my ability to hold together a […]

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Wild Duluth 50k Race Report

Race Day: Saturday, October 17, 2015 – 8am Time for the pain. The Superior Hiking Trail brings the pain every time. It isn’t very runable, so why not try to run 31 miles as fast you can on it? I love this very fun race, though, and couldn’t resist registering for it to defend my […]

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Wild Duluth 50k Race Report

Race Day: October 18, 2014 — 8am Wild Duluth is the perfect 50k course. Saturday was the perfect day and I had a perfect race. I registered for the Wild Duluth 50k many months ago and knew I wanted to race it well. Therefore, I trained very specifically and with a high priority for this […]

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