American Raspberry Wheat

Brew Day: 8/23/15
Bottle Day: 9/28/15
Original Gravity: 1.050
Final Gravity: 1.004
Estimated ABV: 6.08%
- 3 lbs Plain Wheat dry malt extract
- 3.3 lbs Wheat liquid malt extract
- 1 lb American Wheat grain
- 1 oz US Hallertau hop pellets
- 1 oz US Saaz hop pellets
- 1 oz Mt. Hood hop pellets
- 1 packet dry wheat beer yeast
- 1 tbsp Irish Moss (for clarity)
- 2 cups (plus more) fresh raspberries
Brew Day — 8/23/15
1. Boil 4 gallons of water in the brew kettle over the burner.
2. Steep one gallon of water and the grain at 170 degrees for 30 minutes.
3. Prepare sanitizer bath and sanitize all equipment (conical fermenter, siphon and hoses, brew paddle, etc…).
4. When the water in the brew kettle is boiling, add all malt extract.
5. Combine steeped grains to brew kettle.
6. Add hops
- :50 mins – Mt. Hood
- :30 mins – US Saaz
- :05 mins – US Hallertau
7. With 15 minutes left in the boil, add 1 tbsp of Irish Moss (for clarity).
8. After one hour of boiling, remove the brew kettle from the burner and add ~2 cups of fresh raspberries.
9. Use the wort chiller to bring the wort temperature down to ~90 degrees.
10. Transfer the wort to the conical fermenter by pouring from the brew kettle over a mesh bag to trap any sediment.
11. Oxygenate the wort.
12. Add one gallon of cool water.
13. Pitch yeast.
Flavor Profile:
This wheat beer is subtly flavored with the raspberry, which adds a perfect fruity kick. It is a tasty, easy drinking beer. Definitely tasty, I don’t think that a stronger raspberry flavor would have added anything positive to the beer flavor, and I prefer the more balanced flavor that allows the wheat flavor to shine through a bit more.